Q. How long after I place an order will I receive my package?
- All book purchases ship out same day! *We only provide 1 day shipping*
Q. If I place my order online, will I be able to read the book electronically?
- Unfortunately no, There is no E-book version of "Industry Hoe" - Only signed hard copies.
Q. Can I contact you via Instagram or Twitter about my order?
- The best way to get answers about your order is by emailing [email protected]
Q. Do you do refunds?
- No, We do not refund! However, if your order is damaged or you are not pleased with your order, we will be more than happy to exchange your book.
Q. Do I have the option to "Pick Up"
- NO
Q. What if my package is lost?
- Unfortunately we are not responsible for lost packages but I can guarantee you we will work closely with our lovely customers to ensure that the carrier finds where he or she left the package.